Local vs. Global: Navigating Ethical Flower Sourcing in a Globalized World
We believe that most consumers desire to buy and support local businesses, but what exactly does that entail? How can one prioritize local purchases in a geographical area that struggles to maintain year-round supply? Is importing detrimental to our local economy, potentially undercutting local suppliers? Keep reading to explore our perspective on these important questions.
Everywhere we look, we encounter slogans urging us to "buy local," "support local," and "keep corporations at bay." Yet, despite these rallying cries, how many of us still rely on Amazon, frequent big-box retailers like Target or Walmart, or opt for the convenience of chain grocery stores instead of patronizing local farmers? The reality is stark: in today's society, transitioning to a wholly local, anti-corporate mindset would necessitate significant lifestyle changes. Local producers simply cannot fulfill all our needs and desires on a day-to-day basis.
This dilemma extends to the flower industry. As a local, family-owned business composed of just two individuals—a husband and wife—we strive to contribute to our community. However, we recognize that we cannot operate in isolation or meet every demand alone. Importing flowers becomes necessary to supplement our offerings, particularly during seasons of low local production such as winter. Despite our desire to serve as a year-round, comprehensive flower source, the practical limitations of our environment prevent us from doing so.
When making purchasing decisions—from items sourced from large corporations to those imported internationally or obtained from local farms or businesses—our primary concern should be the integrity of the seller. Are they ethically managing their employees, preserving the environment, and adhering to responsible business practices?
It's imperative that we support businesses based on their ethical conduct rather than solely focusing on their geographical location. Whether you choose to buy from a nearby neighbor or the largest corporation available, please ensure that you are supporting a business committed to upholding ethical standards.
On our next blog post, we will dive into the flower import business in the US. Stay tuned!
— Will and Mari